Major League Hacking 2021 Hackathon Season

Who we are

HackNC is an annual, student-run hackathon hosted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Every fall, hundreds of students arrive at UNC (this year, we'll be entirely virtual!) to spend the weekend inventing something amazing. We’re one of the largest hackathons in the southeastern United States.


treasure map
Lochness Monster

Accessibility & Inclusivity

As technology becomes more and more intertwined with daily life, we must ensure that technology is accessible and inclusive for everyone regardless of race, gender, age, or ability. Hackers who choose this track will aim to make tech more accessible and equitable.

Sasquatch in a boat


We invite hackers to rise to the challenge of virtual education with innovative solutions to the challenges of remote learning. Hackers who choose this track will work to increase educational opportunities for students of all abilities and backgrounds.

Kraken in a lake


The current COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted pre-existing healthcare inequities, both globally and at home. Hackers who choose this track will leverage modern technology to improve healthcare access and treatment.



As other crises surge, the threat of climate change looms in the background. Hackers who choose this track will work on environmental solutions for local and global communities.


Student Orgs, Nonprofits, and Open Source

One of the primary goals of HackNC is teaching hackers to apply their skills in real-world situations. This year, we're inviting student organizations, nonprofits, and open-source software groups to pitch projects with tangible impact. Hackers who choose this track will be able to tackle these projects and may even continue working with the client afterwards.

UNC ram


Not all problems and innovations can fit neatly into specific boxes, so hackers who choose this track will be able to submit other unique hacks.


*Schedule is subject to change.

Any Questions?